“The best way to get ahead is to get started” – Mark Twain

misty lake

Welcome to Literacy with Lisa. Sit down. Relax. Get comfortable.

You might be wondering…why the photo of the lake? Well, first of all, I am an avid waterskier. Any time that I have a chance to get out on the water, I take it!

Second, I love what this image represents for us as teachers, especially at the beginning of the school year: the wide, open space that lies ahead. The calm, cool water that beckons us to come forward, to cool off, to take a swim. The endless possibilities, just there for the taking.

I like this image too because it connects to the title of the post. Sometimes we have hopes and dreams that stretch before us – like the winding river above – yet we can’t seem to get started, to find a way to begin, to dip our toes beneath the surface.

What is it that you hope to “get started” this year?? We all have things in our classrooms or instructional practices that we want to do but keep putting off.  Is it something in the physical environment, like creating a new library corner, de-cluttering a bookshelf or maybe hanging curtains?  Or, perhaps it is a new instructional practice that you hope to further explore?  Maybe there’s a professional book that you keep meaning to read, yet it just sits on your shelf, collecting dust?

The projects that you keeping meaning to get to but inevitably, never do.

We all have them.

What is on your list?

My hope is that this site can be a place that inspires you to get back to those projects/goals/ideas that have been left unfinished.  To what you believe matters – really matters – about teaching and learning. To maybe what called you into the profession in the first place.


  1. I think this is what many of us teachers need throughout the year. I know I always have ideas and projects that I want to try in the beginning of the year but once the madness begins, it’s hard to follow through. I’m looking forward to great ideas that can be put into practice throughout the year. Best of luck Lisa!


  2. I like to start with a clean and organized “blank canvas”. This year my goal was to get rid of any “junk” that has been collected over the years. That started with the closet and the storage space under the sink. Getting rid of unnecessary items makes space for more important things. Making everything purposeful and thinking about how the children are going to use the classroom. Also I hung some ikea lamps to make the room feel cozy


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